Tools + rescoures i've used in the process of building this site
i'll try to keep this list as complete as i can and will regularly update it as i go
I used so many rescourses from the sadgrl rescourses, notably the layout builder, my current background, and tonnes of their HTML+CSS guides
I also used another one of their tiled pattrens on my guestbook, it's a really amazing collection and the creator is super duper talented and i would absolutely recommend it if you're a fan of homestuck and/or pretty tilesets
what it says on the tin
used mostly on my landing page, some of them are somewhat upsetting but some are also really funny
I used many many MANY sites for my buttons, blinkies, stamps, and countless other graphics so i listed them all here:

these are sites that aren't limited to being graphics archives but i used them to collect silly images, the sites are also incredibly cool and i would definitly reccomend checking them out!!

A whole lot of these graphics have been snatched up from my mutuals websites <3