Reading sections elaboration
- Book reviews: what it says on the tin, it'll mostly be reveiws of romance books and fiction i read because that's the genre i read the most often and also the one where i can make the most funny commentary/reviews, HOWEVER let it be known that i most definitely do read other genres of books and have thoughts and feelings on those, but i'm choosing to be funny so YEAH.
- Wikipedia articles: also exactly what it says on the tin, i'll just link back to articles that i enjoyed reading and/or found fascinating
- reading log: you'll find the books i'm currently reading with some vauge commentary, and you'll probably get some of me whining about my long reading slumps
- TBR list: A TBR list is a "to be read" list, which is a list of books that i want to read, it is impossibly long and is consistently getting longer :) it's like the color of the sky post but it's an unreasonably long list of books instead
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